Switching up my flow to create new and unique pieces
I've been working hard in the studio of the last few months, pulling together a list of materials I want to try and experiment with. On the top of this list sat inks, with their fluidity and range of hues, I thought of inks as a perfect substitute to oil and acrylic paints.
The hardest thing about using inks is the ability to mix them with water, and then manage the infusion of colours, so I'm happy with the way they are connecting together. Having a flat surface/canvas is the best way, but sometimes not always possible if you'd got a heavily textured art studio floor full of dried paint accumulated over years! If you follow me on instagram, you'll have seen my instagram reels showing some insight into the process I follow with inks. If you haven't seen these clips, head over to my instagram page here:
My abstract paintings have evolved to a new level, and I am thrilled with some of the results I've been achieving. Abstract Art can sometimes become repetitive so it's vital to keep things fresh with ideas and concepts, and I've certainly found my 'mojo' again after a brief period where I was becoming a little mundane doing the same things over and over again. The success of these abstract paintings have been illustrated with some new art. commissions in USA and Dubai, where I am thrilled to have sent some of my works.
In this piece below, I have used a mixture of green, dark green, browns, and blacks to pull together a moody yet vibrant piece, finished with resin.

A big thank you to all of the clients who have purchased and commissioned my abstract art over the last few months, I have been extremely busy working on pieces and I am in a very good place mentally with my art work, achieving tremendous results on the pieces I am both experimenting with and being commissioned on.