art work is shipped worldwide.
available paintings
all paintings will be shipped in a custom-made box, safely and securely.
bespoke paintings
commissions are made to order and lead time varies
all paintings are despatched within 5 working days (excluding holidays). If there is a more urgent timeframe, please e-mail at
international paintings are shipped by DHL/UPS. Order tracking information will be e-mailed on despatch.
our charges (uk & international shipping)
shipping is calculated based on location.
customers receiving goods outside United Kingdom may be liable for duty charges levied in their own country. If this happens, it is a matter between you and your local customs agency. You are responsible for any duty owed.
To initiate the returns process, please email
As soon as we receive your email, we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to return your order. Returns must be made within 14 days of delivery.
We require items to be returned in good condition, in the full original packaging.
Once we receive your returned order, we will replace or refund as required. Refunds are normally processed within 7 days although please allow up to 14 days.
please note: unfortunately we cannot refund shipping costs for any orders, unless the product is faulty or damaged.
goods damaged in transit
If you received an artwork that was damaged in transit, then please get in touch and a replacement will be issued straight away.